Hostel in Pucón
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If you are looking for a good hostel in Pucón, and still at backpacker budget, look around no longer, Hostal La Maison the only hostel left at an affordable price in the nicest part of little town of Pucón.
Everything that goes from main avenue O H’Iggins to the main beach of town called Playa Grande, is very nice and is the cutest part of the village. On the other side of the avenue it is not so nice, and cheaper obvously.
Hostal La Maison is located in the middle of the nicest part of town, and it is still at a very low price, considering the facilities, and the location. But no for long, we hope to go on Hostal Boutique from next season, but you can still benefit now.
Come to Hostal La Maison, close to everywhere in Pucón!!